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Department of chemistry


The department has a strategic plan for future research which contributes to the prosperity of the society. We foster world-class research and outstanding chemical education, as well as we strengthen our students, faculty, staff, and alumni to interact with the local, national, and global community.

Research Groups:

  • Organic Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Electro analytical Chemistry
  • Molecular Spectroscopy
  • Electrochemistry
  • Surface Chemistry and Catalysis
  • Theoretical Chemistry


# Title Research Year
1981 New Polymer Syntheses. XXIII. Synthesis and Characterization of New Poyketones containing tetrabromide cycloalkanone in the main chain. 2003
1982 Diffusion Controls Influence on Relaxation Time and Velocity of Acceleration of Sol-Gel Transformation for Cross-Linked Metal Alginate Ionotropic Gel Complexes. 2003
1983 Stephan Floriani and Norbert Haider. Synthesis of 3-azaharman and other new azacarbolines of the pyridazino[4,5-b]indole type. 2003
1984 Ni(II), Co(II) and Cu(II) Ternary Complexes Containing
2,4,6-Tris(2-Pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine as Primary Ligand and Dithiooxamide,Thiosemicarbazide as Secondary Ligands.
1985 Synthesis, magnetic properties and theoretical calculations of novel nitronyl nitroxide and imino nitroxide diradicals grafted on terpyridine moiety 2003
1986 ] Spectral studies of a polymeric chelates of copper(II) ion with
1987 Differential Pulse and Square-Wave Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry
of Xanthine and Xanthosine at a Mercury Electrode
1988 Responses of different cellulosic agriculture wastes to variety types of dilute acid hydrolysis 2003
1989 New Polymers Syntheses XXIV. Synthesis and Porperties of Novel Polyketo-amines bsed on Diphenyether,Diphenylsulphide, and Diphenylsulphone. 2003
1990 Medium Effect on The Acid Dissociation Constants of 2,2’,6’,2’’-