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Department of Geology

Our mission is to pursue excellence in fundamental and applied research in the earth sciences, sustain quality in graduate education, and provide outreach and service for the benefit of society and the environment.

The Department is committed to maintain a diversity of specialties to provide broad-based graduate curriculum in the Geosciences. We value all our core programs and will take advantage of special initiatives that fit with our mission to upgrade those programs as opportunities arise.

# Title Research Year
871 Cretaceous Microfossils from. South Egypt 1999
872 Miospore and dinocyst stratigraphy and palaeoecology of the Middle Cretaceous (Albian-Early Cenomanian) sequence of Ghoroud-IX borehole, northern Egypt 1999
873 . (1999): Stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sequences from three boreholes, northern Egypt: palynological evidence 1999
874 Hassan, M.A. (1998): Tectonic evolution and deformational history of Zabara-Um Khariga area. Central Eastern Desert, Egypt. Bull. Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ., 27(2-F): 21-47. 1998
875 Ecology and distribution of recent subtidal foraminifera along the Egyptian Red Sea shore, between Mersa Alam and Ras Benas 1998
876 Geophysical studies on the proposed site of the new Assiut city, Wadi El-Assiuti, Eastern Desert, Egypt. 1998
877 Palynology of Middle Cretaceous-Tertiary sequence of Mersa Matruh-1 well, northern Western Desert, Egypt 1998
878 : Kinematics, paleostress and structural interpretation of Durba-Araba region Southwestern Sinai, Egypt. 1998
879 Pb isotope date of galena from the Red Sea coastal strip, the Eastern Desert and the Western Desert: Metallogenetic implications. 1998
880 Hassan, M.A. (1999): Deformation mechanisms of mylonites and cataclased granite of Gabal Nugrus gneissose granite, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt. Proceeding of First International Conference on the Geology of Africa. Assiut Univ. Egypt. 2:159-175. 1998