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Zoology & Entomology Department


Different research programs have been carried out in the department of Zoology and Entomology in all areas including short-term and long-term projects. These include ecological and biological studies on the marine and freshwater ecosystems, the effect of water pollution on the Nile fauna, biological and taxonomical and fisheries studies on the Nile and Red Sea fishes. Moreover, a continuous work on stock assessment of fishes of the Nile and Red Sea has been established ten years ago and still in execution. Also modeling of the aquatic ecosystems of the Egyptian lakes, especially Lake Nasser is an important task of Fish Biology Group. Similar projects are carried out with respect to Entomological fields, especially those associated with our protected areas in Assiut and to animal parasites and their economic effects.


# Title Research Year
651 Immunological and histological effects of exposure to imidacloprid insecticide in male albino rats 2011
652 Development of the braconid wasp Cotesia flavipes in two Crambids, Diatraea saccharalis and Eoreuma loftini: Evidence of host developmental disruption 2011
653 Perinatal supplementation with thymoquinone improves diabetic complications and T cell immune responses in rat offspring. 2011
654 Diel periodicity of the behavioral response of male Spodoptera littoralis to sex pheromone in the field. 2011
655 Effects of short time UV-A exposures on compound eyes and haematological parameters in Procambarus clarkii (Girad,1852) 2011
656 Erratum: Blocking type I interferon (IFN) signaling impairs antigen responsiveness of circulating lymphocytes and alters their homing to lymphoid organs: Protective role of type I IFN 2011
657 Parasitism by the endoparasitoid, Cotesia flavipes induces cellular immunosuppression and enhances susceptibility of the sugar cane borer, Diatraea saccharalis to Bacillus thuringiensis 2011
658 Parasitism by Cotesia flavipes alters the hemocyte population and phenoloxidase activity of the sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis. 2011
659 Histochemical and ultrastructural studies on the calcareous corpuscles and eggs of Taenia taeniaeformis and Dipylidium caninum. 2011
660 Protective Effect of Coenzyme Q10 on Cadmium-Induced Testicular Damage in Male Rabbits 2011