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Zoology & Entomology Department


Different research programs have been carried out in the department of Zoology and Entomology in all areas including short-term and long-term projects. These include ecological and biological studies on the marine and freshwater ecosystems, the effect of water pollution on the Nile fauna, biological and taxonomical and fisheries studies on the Nile and Red Sea fishes. Moreover, a continuous work on stock assessment of fishes of the Nile and Red Sea has been established ten years ago and still in execution. Also modeling of the aquatic ecosystems of the Egyptian lakes, especially Lake Nasser is an important task of Fish Biology Group. Similar projects are carried out with respect to Entomological fields, especially those associated with our protected areas in Assiut and to animal parasites and their economic effects.


# Title Research Year
471 Diversity of zooplankton inhabiting inland waters of North West region (Tabuk) of Saudi Arabia. 2014
472 Influence of Different Statuses of Honey Bee Queens, Apis mellifera L. on the Ultrastructure of the Flagella on (3-Day Old) Workers 2014
473 A comparison of molluscan communities in a section of the Nile River at Assiut, Egypt, with different chemical and thermal pollution 2014
474 A serum-free medium developed for expansion of murine intestinal stem cells in vitro. 2014
475 Molecular cloning and characterization of a recombinant Bombyx mori tyramine-β-hydroxylase in a silkworm cell line using a baculovirus expression vector system 2014
476 Some Protozoan Parasites Infecting Blood of Camels (Camelus dromedarius)at Assiut Locality, Upper Egypt. 2014
477 Study of C- peptide and glycoslated hemoglobin in
obese and obese with type 2 diabetes and its relation
with lipid profile from Sohag Governarate-Egypt
478 Diversity of soil, Macroinvertebrates in Assiut, Egypt. 2014
479 Ultrastructure of the mouthparts and food habits of the Grapsid crab,
Metopograpsus messor (Forskal, 1775) from different habitats of the Egyptian
Red Sea Coasts.
480 Hypolipidemic and antioxidant ef fects of phytochemical
compounds against hepatic steatosis induced
by high fat high sucrose diet in rats