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Department of Geology

Our mission is to pursue excellence in fundamental and applied research in the earth sciences, sustain quality in graduate education, and provide outreach and service for the benefit of society and the environment.

The Department is committed to maintain a diversity of specialties to provide broad-based graduate curriculum in the Geosciences. We value all our core programs and will take advantage of special initiatives that fit with our mission to upgrade those programs as opportunities arise.

# Title Research Year
631 15-Petrogenesis of corona textures in troctolite and olivine gabbro from El-Motaghiarat area, Eastern Desert, Egypt.The Fifth International Conference on the geology of Africa, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt, V.I, P. 1-9. 2007
632 Facies and sequence stratigraphy of the Cenomanian Galala Formation of Gebel El Zeit, Gulf of Suez. Egypt. 2007
633 Early Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian) palynology of the Kabrit-1
borehole, onshore Northern Gulf of Suez, Egypt
634 Sedimentology and mineralogy of the Paleozoic-Mesozoic section at Somr El-Qaa area, Eastern Desert, Egypt. 2007
635 Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) palynology of the Kabrit-1 borehole, onshore Northern Gulf of Suez, Egypt 2007
636 11-Geochemistry of spinifex-textured komatiite, Manica, are, Northern Mozambique, Assiut Univ. J., V.36., P.125-141. 2007
637 Magma evolution in the upper part (Stage IV) of the Fongen-Hyllingen Layered Intrusion, Trondheim region, Norway. 2007
638 Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) palynology of the Kabrit-1 borehole, onshore Northern Gulf of Suez, Egypt 2007
639 The Cenomanian-Turonian Transition of Gebel Nezzazat and Gebel Tawal, Western Sinai, Egypt: Based on integrated Macro-biostratigraphy. 2007
640 16- Petrology and geochemistry of kimberlites from Metangula Area, Northeren Mozambique Assiut Univ. J. of Geology, V.1, P.97-123.