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Department of Geology

Our mission is to pursue excellence in fundamental and applied research in the earth sciences, sustain quality in graduate education, and provide outreach and service for the benefit of society and the environment.

The Department is committed to maintain a diversity of specialties to provide broad-based graduate curriculum in the Geosciences. We value all our core programs and will take advantage of special initiatives that fit with our mission to upgrade those programs as opportunities arise.

# Title Research Year
111 Seismic and Geodetic Crustal Moment-Rates Comparison: New Insights on the Seismic Hazard of Egypt 2021
112 Facies-based model and basin architecture of the Eocene succession in Egypt (Eastern Desert and Sinai): an example for tectonically controlled sedimentation on the southern Tethyan margin 2021
113 Maastrichtian–Paleocene sequences at Dakhla-Abu Minqar District,
Western Desert, Egypt: stratigraphical and paleoenvironmental
114 Banded Iron Formation in the Egyptian Nubian Shield 2021
115 Hydro-geophysical monitoring of the North Western Sahara Aquifer System's groundwater resources using gravity data 2021
116 Sequence stratigraphic analysis and depositional evolution of the Upper Cretaceous deposits in Ras Budran oil field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt 2021
117 Up-to-date earthquake and focal mechanism solutions datasets for the assessment of seismic hazard in the vicinity of the United Arab Emirates 2020
118 3D Static Modeling and Petrographic Aspects of the Albian/Cenomanian Reservoir, Komombo Basin, Upper Egypt 2020
119 Integrated palynological, geochemical, and well logging analyses to evaluate the source rock potential of the Middle Jurassic upper Khatatba Formation in Matruh Basin, northwestern Egypt 2020
120 Sequence stratigraphic architecture of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits in the Sayun-Masilah Basin, Yemen: A case study from Masilah oilfields 2020