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Department of Geology

Our mission is to pursue excellence in fundamental and applied research in the earth sciences, sustain quality in graduate education, and provide outreach and service for the benefit of society and the environment.

The Department is committed to maintain a diversity of specialties to provide broad-based graduate curriculum in the Geosciences. We value all our core programs and will take advantage of special initiatives that fit with our mission to upgrade those programs as opportunities arise.

# Title Research Year
91 Paleoenvironmental significance and provenance of the Cretaceous calcareous deposits from the Djeremsub-basin (Adamawa, Cameroon) during the Gondwana evolution: sedimentary structures and geochemical constraints 2021
92 Maastrichtian–Paleocene sequences at Dakhla-Abu Minqar District,
Western Desert, Egypt: stratigraphical and paleoenvironmental
93 Comprehensive palaeomagnetic study of San Borja and Jaraguay monogenetic volcanic fields, Baja California (28–30°N): considerations on latitudinal corrections 2021
94 Improved site-dependent statistical relationships of VS and resonant frequency versus bedrock depth in Japan 2021
95 Modeling the Environmental Hazards of El-Kharga Oasis Sand Dunes, Western Desert of Egypt, using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques 2021
96 Gravity based assessment of spatio-temporal mass variations of the groundwater resources in the Eastern Desert, Egypt 2021
97 Sequence stratigraphic framework of the Upper Eocene–Oligocene succession, northwest Birket Qarun, Fayum-Egypt 2021
98 On the cratonization of the Arabian-Nubian Shield: Constraints from gneissic granitoids in south Eastern Desert, Egypt 2021
99 Integrated Sedimentological and Petrophysical Characterization for Clastic Reservoirs: A case study from New Zealand 2021
100 Contributions of ground-penetrating radar in research of some predynastic and dynastic archaeological sites at the eastern and western banks of the River Nile, Assiut, Egypt 2021