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Zoology & Entomology Department


Different research programs have been carried out in the department of Zoology and Entomology in all areas including short-term and long-term projects. These include ecological and biological studies on the marine and freshwater ecosystems, the effect of water pollution on the Nile fauna, biological and taxonomical and fisheries studies on the Nile and Red Sea fishes. Moreover, a continuous work on stock assessment of fishes of the Nile and Red Sea has been established ten years ago and still in execution. Also modeling of the aquatic ecosystems of the Egyptian lakes, especially Lake Nasser is an important task of Fish Biology Group. Similar projects are carried out with respect to Entomological fields, especially those associated with our protected areas in Assiut and to animal parasites and their economic effects.


# Title Research Year
441 Description of Trypanosoma dromedarius (n.sp.) Infecting Camels by Light and Electron Microscopy with Refer to its Life Cycle 2014
442 Role of vitamin C and selenium in attenuation of nicotine induced oxidative stress, P53 and Bcl2 expression in adult rat spleen 2014
443 Curcumin induces apoptosis of multidrug-resistant human leukemia
HL60 cells by complex pathways leading to ceramide accumulation
444 New records and redescription of the notostracan Tadpole shrimp, Triops longicaudatus (Le Conte, 1846) from temporary water bodies in North West region (Tabuk and Al-Madinah) of Saudi Arabia. 2014
445 The effect of chloroquine induced hypoglycemia on the levels of major blood serum proteins in diabetic mice 2014
446 Histological structure of the nervous system of Barbronia
assiuti (Hirudinea: Barbronidae).
447 The effect of chloroquine induced hypoglycemia on the levels of major blood serum proteins in diabetic mice 2014
448 Effects of anti-juvenile hormone (precocene II) treatment on phase changes and pheromone production in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal) (Orthoptera: Acrididae). 2014
449 Some Protozoan Parasites Infecting Blood of Camels (Camelus dromedarius)at Assiut Locality, Upper Egypt. 2014
450 Role of vitamin C and selenium in attenuation of nicotine induced oxidative stress, P53 and Bcl2 expression in adult rat spleen 2014