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Department of Geology

Our mission is to pursue excellence in fundamental and applied research in the earth sciences, sustain quality in graduate education, and provide outreach and service for the benefit of society and the environment.

The Department is committed to maintain a diversity of specialties to provide broad-based graduate curriculum in the Geosciences. We value all our core programs and will take advantage of special initiatives that fit with our mission to upgrade those programs as opportunities arise.

# Title Research Year
181 3D geological modelling of clayey reservoirs; an example of the Upper Bahariya Member, Abu Gharadig Field, Egypt 2019
182 3D structural modeling of the Upper Bahariya Member in Abu Gharadig oil and gas field, North Western Desert, Egypt 2019
183 Comprehensive study on the conventional petroleum system of the Masilah oilfields, Sayun-Masilah Basin, Yemen 2019
184 Seismic hazard in Baja California, considering regional seismicity, active faults and local-site effects. 2019
185 Revised (miospores-based) stratigraphy ofthe LowerCretaceoussuccessionofthe Minqar-IX well, Shushan Basin, north Western Desert, Egypt: Biozonation and correlation approach 2019
186 3D structural modeling of the Upper Bahariya Member in Abu Gharadig oil and gas field, North Western Desert, Egypt 2019
187 Organic facies and hydrocarbon potential of the early-middle Albian Kharita
Formation in the Abu Gharadig Basin, Egypt, as demonstrated by
palynology, organic petrology, and geochemistry
188 Revised (miospores-based) stratigraphy ofthe LowerCretaceoussuccessionofthe Minqar-IX well, Shushan Basin, north Western Desert, Egypt: Biozonation and correlation approach 2019
189 Geological Studies on the Abu Fannani Mylonitic Amphibolites and Related Amphibolite Xenoliths in the Juvenile Neoproterozoic Meatiq Dome Area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt. 2018
190 Cosmetic and pharmaceutical qualifications of Egyptian bentonite and its suitability as drug carrier for Praziquantel drug.