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Department of Geology

Our mission is to pursue excellence in fundamental and applied research in the earth sciences, sustain quality in graduate education, and provide outreach and service for the benefit of society and the environment.

The Department is committed to maintain a diversity of specialties to provide broad-based graduate curriculum in the Geosciences. We value all our core programs and will take advantage of special initiatives that fit with our mission to upgrade those programs as opportunities arise.

# Title Research Year
431 Mid-Paleocene event at Gabal Nezzazat, Sinai, Egypt:
planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy,
mineralogy and geochemistry
432 Evidence that bio-metallic mineral precipitation enhances the complex conductivity response at a hydrocarbon contaminated site 2013
433 22- Chromite composition as evidence for the metamorphism in komatiite from greenstone belt, , Mozambique,Journal of Geology and mining research, V(5), No.(8), P, 216-222 2013
434 Early Paleogene Geohistory of Egypt:
The Dababiya Quarry Corehole
435 Biostratigraphically-,and Sedimentologically- Based Sequence Stratigraphy of the Campanian-Eocene succession of Wadi Tarfa-North Wadi Qena Area, North Eastern Desert, 2013
436 Paleomagnetic and Rock magnetic studies of Mafic-Ultramafic Layered intrusion of Gebel Dahanib, SE Desert, Egypt. 2013
437 Immiscibilty between silicate magma and aqueous fluids
in Egyptian rare-metal granites: melt and fluid
inclusions study
438 Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of Seawater Intrusion in Wadi Ham under Different Pumping Scenarios

439 Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the
Paleocene/Eocene boundary interval in the Dababiya Quarry
Corehole, Dababiya, Upper Nile Valley, Egypt
440 Stratigraphy, sedimentology and tectonic evolution of the Upper Cretaceous/Paleogene succession in north Eastern Desert, Egypt 2013