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Double-diffusive natural convection in inclined finned triangular
porous enclosures in the presence of heat generation/absorption

Research Authors
Ali J. Chamkha • M. A. Mansour • Sameh E. Ahmed
Research Abstract

The problem of double-diffusive convection in inclined finned triangular porous enclosures for various thermal and concentration boundary conditions and in the presence of heat source or sink was studied. The finite difference method was employed to solve the dimensionless governing equations of the problem. The effects of the governing parameters, namely the dimensionless time parameter, the inclination angle, Darcy number, heat generation/absorption parameter, the buoyancy parameter and the Rayleigh number on the streamlines, temperature and concentration contours as well as selected velocity component in the x-direction, local and average Nusselt numbers and local and average Sherwood number at the heated and concentrated wall for various values of the aspect ratio and the position of the fin were considered. The present results are validated by favorable comparisons with previously published results. All the results of the problem were presented in graphical and tabular forms and discussed.

Research Department
Research Journal
Heat and Mass Transfer
Research Rank
Research Vol
Vol. 46, No. 7
Research Website
Research Year
Research Pages
PP. 757-768