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Enhancement of thermal stability and degradation kinetics study of poly(vinyl alcohol)/zinc oxide nanoparticles composite

Research Authors
Mostafa I Abd-Elrahman
Research Abstract

Th e t he rm al d egr ad at ion b eh av io rs of p oly (v in yl al coh ol ) ( PV A) a nd P VA /z in c ox id e ( Zn O)
c om pos it e ar e in ve st ig at ed u sin g d if fer en tia l th er ma l an al ys is ( DT A) . Th e d egr ad at ion
ac tivation en er gy (Ed), frequency factor (ko) and Avrami exponent (n) as thermal kinetic
parameters are calculated from the DTA results. The calculated values of Ed are 80.94 and
148.58 kJ mol 1 for PVA and PVA/ZnO composite, respectively, indicating the enhancement
of the PVA thermal stability as ZnO nanoparticles are filled in PVA matrix. The n values are
evaluated from the shape analyses of degradation peaks. From estimated n values, the
degradation mechanisms are determined for both the complexes under investigation.

Research Department
Research Journal
Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials
Research Rank
Research Vol
Vol 27,No.2
Research Year
Research Pages