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Existence of “late continental” deposits in the Mbere and Djerem sedimentary basins (North Cameroon): Palynological and stratigraphic evidence

Research Authors
Tchouatcha Milan Stafford, Njiké Ngaha Pierre Ricard, Mahmoud Magdy Salah, Deaf Amr Said and Ekodeck Georges Emmanue
Research Abstract

Current palynologic and stratigraphic data presented in this paper, show the existence of Upper Tertiary to Lower Quaternary deposits in the Mbere and Djerem basins. The upper part, so called “Late Continental” deposits encounters different palynomorphs with angiosperms (Gramineae, Chenopodiaceae, Malvaceae and Compositeae), spores, fungi, gymnosperm and freshwater algae, which are of Late Tertiary/Quaternary aspect. No marine palynomorph is reported. The border faults
might have reworked at several occasions during post-cretaceous periods, probably during the
Oligocene/Miocene as indicated by the Oligo-Miocene volcanic products associated with the “Late
Continental” sedimentary series. Three periods of sedimentation can be distinguished, interbeded by
erosional and volcanic phases.

Research Department
Research Journal
Journal of Geology and Mining Research
Research Publisher
Academic Journals
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