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Fuzzy soft separation axioms in fuzzy soft topological spaces

Research Authors
F.H. Khedr M. A. Abd Allah M. S. Malfi
Research Abstract

Fuzzy soft separation axioms was introduced by Mahanta and Das ([5]) using the definitions of a `fuzzy soft point' and `the complement of a fuzzy soft point is a fuzzy soft point', and `distinct of fuzzy soft points' in there sense. In this paper we, introduce fuzzy soft separation axioms in terms of the modified definitions of a `fuzzy soft point', the complement of a fuzzy soft point is a fuzzy soft set' and `distinct of fuzzy soft points'([7]). Also, we study some of their properties. Finally, we discuss fuzzy soft topological property for such spaces.

Research Department
Research Journal
Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics(JPRM)
Research Member
Research Publisher
Research Rank
Research Vol
Volume 15, Issue 3
Research Website
Research Year
Research Pages
pp. 2668 -2681