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Ph. D. In Geology () , Faculty of Science Assiut University , 1994
M.D. In Geology (Applied Geophysics) , Science Assiut , 1994
M. Sc. In Geology () , Faculty of Science Assiut University , 1989
B. Sc. In Geology () , Faculty of Science Assiut University , 1984

Professor Faculty of Science, Assiut University , 2005

Associate Professor Faculty of Science, Assiut University , 2000

Lecturer Faculty of Science, Assiut University , 1994

Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science, Assiut University , 1989

Demonstrator Faculty of Science, Assiut University , 1984

1- Sehan Omran Fargaly Omran , Modern techniques of drinking water treatment using anionic and cationic polymers Eh-Fath District-Assiut ,2013-07-28
supervisor: Prof.Dr./Ahmed Abdo Ahmed Abdel Hafaz Prof.Dr./Mamoud Mohamed Senosi Prof.Dr/ Mohamed Abdel-Moneim Mohamed Mostafa

2- Seham Omran Farghaly , Modern techniqes of drinking groundwater treatment using anionic and cationic polymers, El-Fath Diserict-Assiut ,2013-07-07
supervisor: M. M. Sonosy

3- Rasha Abd-Elatif Abd-Elmotaleb Ahmed , Groundwater evaluation for drinking and domestic uses in Diruot district, Egypt ,2013-11-12
supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mohmoud M. Senosy, Dr. Ahmed M. Sefelnasr

4- Haby Salah eldin Mohamed Hassan , Simple Semi-Analytical Methods For Quantatitative Interpretation of Earth Resistivity Measurements ,2012-04-16
supervisor: Mahmoud Mohamed Senosy, Gamal Zidan Abel Aal

5- Ayman Abdel Sabour Ahmed Khalf , Geophysical and stratigraphical studies on the paleocene - eocene succession in upper egypt ,2012-03-10
supervisor: Khaled A.Ouda, Mahmoud M.Senosy, Marie-Pierre Aubry, Dennis V. Kent

supervisor: Moustafa Mahmoud Youssef, Mahmoud Mouhammed El-Snosy, Saaid Ahmad El-Said Ragb

7- Ayman Abdel-Sabour Ahmed Khalaf , Geoelectrical and Hydrogeological Studies on the Groundwater Resources in Bulaq-Baris Area, Kharga Oasis, Egypt ,1999-12-26
supervisor: Hamza Ahmed Ibrahim, Abdel Azim Mohamed Ibrahim, Mahmoud Mohammed Sanusi

8- Mohammed Ramzi Shaker , Geoelectrial and Hydrogeological Studies on the Ara Northwest of Assiut Between Beni-Adi and Mir, Nile Valley, Egypt ,1999-05-25
supervisor: Hamza Ahmed Ibrahim, Abdel Azim Mohamed Ibrahim, Mahmoud Mohammed Sanusi

9- Jamal Zeidan Abdel-Aal Hussein , Geophysical and Geotechnical Studies on El-Salam Suburb Area, Kharga, Egypt ,1999-03-31
supervisor: Samir Riad Ismail, Mustafa Mahmoud Youssef, Mahmoud Mohammed Sanusi

10- Medhat Nashat Abdel-Rahman Imran , Geophysical and Geotechnical Studies on the Areas Around El-Madinah El-Minzwara, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ,2006-09-24
supervisor: Samir Riad Ismail, Mahmoud Mohammed Sanusi Khalil

11- Wael Fathi Hassan Galal , Geological and Geophysical Studies on the Areas Around Nile Bend, Qena Province, Egypt ,2005-10-30
supervisor: Hamza Ahmed Ibrahim, Ahmed Reda Mahmoud Elyounsy, Mahmoud Mohammed Sanusi

12- Mohamed Abdel Zaher Mohammed Mahmoud , Geophysical Studies on the Southern Part of the Western Desert- Egypt ,2005-06-26
supervisor: Mustafa Mahmoud Youssef, Mahmoud Mohammed Sanusi, AlSaeed Ahmed AlSayed Ragab