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Melatonin reduces oxidative damage and increases survival of mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni

Research Authors
Gamal H.El-Sokkary
Hossam El-Din M. Omar
Abdel-Fattah M Hassanein
Salvatore Cuzzocrea
Russel J.Reiter
Research Abstract

The tropical parasite Schistoma mansoni causes granulomatous inflammation after its eggs lodge in hepatic portal capillaries. The role of melatonin as antioxidants inprotection against oxidative stress in mice infected with S. mansoni was investigated. The results suggest that oxidative processes occur at the site of inflammation and are involved in the damaging effects of Schistomasiasis.Also, melatonin, due to its free radical scavenging activity, is highly protective against the pathological changes associated with Schistomasiasis.

Research Department
Research Journal
Free Radical Biology & Medicine
Research Publisher
Elsevier Science. Inc
Research Rank
Research Vol
Volume 32 N0 4
Research Year
Research Pages