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About Faculty Of Science


Welcome to Faculty of Science

The University of Assiut was established in October 1957, with only two faculties the faculty of Science and the faculty of Engineering.

Now, the faculty of Science campus is one of the most unique campuses as it comprises both academic buildings and living accommodation for the staff and students.

Our Faculty has been known for its unique teaching system, the common department system makes the faculty responsible for teaching all courses of the basic sciences to undergraduates as well as to graduate students of different faculties of the university. This faculty offers its students six scientific departments

  1. Mathematics Department
  2. Physics Department
  3. Chemistry Department
  4. Geology Department
  5. Botany Department
  6. Zoology Department

Faculty Mission:
Faculty of Science, Assiut University is for higher education and scientific research in the field of basic sciences to fulfill the mission of the University complying with the moral and religious ethics, through:

• Preparing generations of researchers and specialists in the scientific research for educational and industrial centers.

• Offering the best educational services in basic science for the B.Sc. students to acquire the required skills through education programs based on the national standards.

• Participating in the development of basic sciences (Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology) via the post-graduate research programs.

• Exploiting the faculty human resources, research facilities and expertise to solve environmental problems and to enhance community development.

• Playing a unique role in south valley development studies and performing projects for going out from the narrow valley in the south.

Faculty Vision:
Faculty Goals:
• Building an educational institution that is able to cope with and accommodate the continuing evolution in basic sciences and applications.
• Graduating distinguished generations that are able to compete in the labor market and assimilate modern advanced technology through academic local and global standards and benchmarks.
• Developing and modernization of scientific and research programs.
• Playing an influential role in the development of society through training and educational programs, counseling, and interaction between the institution and community.
• Working on the creation and development of international relations, especially Arabic and African countries through scientific and cultural exchanges.
• Strengthening the national loyalty and maintaining the principles of society and the noble human values.

Growth and Expansion

  • From 198 students to 1,832 students
  • The first faculty to prepare the students for the self-study program.

Values & Goals

Faculty of Science at AUN aims to

  1. Build an educational institution that is able to cope with and accommodate the continuing evolution in basic sciences and applications.
  2. Graduate distinguished generations that are able to compete in the labor market and assimilate modern advanced technology through academic local and global standards and benchmarks.
  3. Develop and modernize scientific and research programs.
  4. Play an influential role in the development of society through training and educational programs, counseling, and interaction between the institution and community.
  5. Work on the creation and development of international relations, especially Arabic and African countries through scientific and cultural exchanges.
  6. Strengthen the national loyalty and maintain the principles of society and noble human values.


History (Faculty Story)

The Faculty of Science at Assiut University was established by the Republican Decree 659 of 1957 and is considered one of the most pioneering institutions that started early and ensures the transmission of a high quality higher education and scientific research.  

In 1957/1958, the number of students enrolled in that year was 198 students and the number of faculty members was 13 and the number of teaching assistants was only two. The faculty kept growing until it graduated 59 batches. In the academic year 2018/2019, the number of students reached 1,832 students. The Faculty of Science - Assiut University is considered one of the pioneering institutions that started early and ensures the transmission of a high quality higher education and scientific research; Lastly, in 2003 we prepared the first self-study program for students.

History Document