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Boundary-layer flow and heat transfer of a power law non-Newtonian nanofluid over a vertical stretching sheet

Research Authors
M.A.A. Hamad, M.A. Bashir
Research Abstract

the forced convenection heat transfer to the power law non-Neetonian nanofluid from the stretching surface has been investigated numerically. this is the first paper on non-Newtonian with stratching sheet in nanofluids .the stretching of the surface velocity and the prescribed surface tempertaure is assumed to vary as alinear function of the distance of the distance from the origin .A similarity solution is presented which depends on nanoparticle volume fraction φ power law index n; buoyancy convenction parameter λ and the modified prandtl number NPr. velocity and temperature variations as well as the variation of skin friction and nusselt number with the parameters govern the problem is presented and discussed . different types of nanoparticles are tested.

Research Department
Research Journal
World Applied Sciences
Research Rank
Research Vol
Vol. 7
Research Year
Research Pages
PP. 172-178