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Pathogenicity of three entomopathogenic
fungi against the Mediterranean fruit fly,
Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)
(Diptera: Tephritidae)

Research Authors
N. A. Soliman, Sherihan M. Al-amin, Amira E. Mesbah, Ahmed M. A. Ibrahim and Ali M.A. Mahmoud
Research Abstract

The use of pesticides against the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) as a
tool to control the pest has become an obstacle to the fresh agricultural products export to many countries that
restrict pesticides residues. The effectiveness of three local strains of entomopathogenic fungi: Metarhizium
anisopliae, Beauveria bassiana, and Paecilomyces lilacinus against the adult and immature stages of C. capitata was
evaluated under laboratory conditions. Obtained results showed that M. anisopliae and B. bassiana were superior in
its pathogenicity and potential to kill the pest than P. lilacinus. These results may be important to be used for the
control of the pest in IPM program.

Research Department
Research Journal
Egyptian Journal of
Biological Pest Control
Research Member
Research Publisher
Research Rank
Research Vol
Research Website
Research Year
Research Pages
Article number 49