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Sequence stratigraphic framework of the Upper Eocene–Oligocene succession, northwest Birket Qarun, Fayum-Egypt

Research Authors
Ahmed-Reda M El-Younsy, Abdelhamid M Salman
Research Abstract

The Upper Eocene–Oligocene sequence exposed northwest Birket Qarun; Fayum district covers two rock units, Qasr El-Sagha (Temple and Dir Abu Lifa members) and Gebel Qatrani formations were re-evaluated by sequence stratigraphy. Six depositional sequences were recognized based on facies geometry, and sedimentological aspects. The first sequence (Temple Member) was accumulated under marginal intertidal flat environment indicating highstand deposits. The second (the lower Dir Abu Lifa Member) displays a regressive sedimentary facies starting with progradational delta front environment reflecting lowstand deposits followed upward by a lagoonal environment indicating transgressive/highstand deposits. The third (the top of the Dir Abu Lifa Member) was accumulated under a low sinuosity stream reflecting lowstand deposits. The fourth which constitutes the topmost of Dir Abu Lifa Member initiating …

Research Date
Research Department
Research Journal
Environmental Earth Sciences
Research Publisher
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Research Vol
Research Year
Research Pages