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Sulfate influx transporters in Arabidopsis thaliana are not involved in arsenate uptake but critical for tissue nutrient status and arsenate tolerance

Research Authors
Manal El-Zohri, Victor Odjegba, Lena Ma, Bala Rathinasabapathi
Research Abstract

Abstract Main conclusion Arsenic, a non-nutrient metalloid is toxic to plants but many details
on the physiology of plant adaptation to arsenic stress are not well understood. This work
provides new insights about the role of sulfur assimilation in arsenate uptake, growth and
arsenic tolerance. Research reported here indicates that two high affinity sulfate transporters
in Arabidopsis thaliana are not involved in root uptake of arsenate. Further this study
revealed that sulfate status influenced thiol levels, elemental nutrients

Research Journal
Research Publisher
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Research Rank
Research Year