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Zoology & Entomology Department


Different research programs have been carried out in the department of Zoology and Entomology in all areas including short-term and long-term projects. These include ecological and biological studies on the marine and freshwater ecosystems, the effect of water pollution on the Nile fauna, biological and taxonomical and fisheries studies on the Nile and Red Sea fishes. Moreover, a continuous work on stock assessment of fishes of the Nile and Red Sea has been established ten years ago and still in execution. Also modeling of the aquatic ecosystems of the Egyptian lakes, especially Lake Nasser is an important task of Fish Biology Group. Similar projects are carried out with respect to Entomological fields, especially those associated with our protected areas in Assiut and to animal parasites and their economic effects.


# Title Research Year
More quickly because it has less surface of resistance to the fluid. In a like manner, planktonic organisms have evolved various flattened body shapes or appendages. Even more common than changes in body shape is the development of various spines and bo
912 Melatonin reduces oxidative damage and increases survival of mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni 2002
913 Effect of some ecological factors and heavy metals on the common terrestrial isopod Porcellionides pruniosus (Oniscoidea:Porcellionidae) in Assiut, Egypt 2002
914 Possible involvement of ecdysteroids in photoperiodically induced suppression of ovarian development in a Japanese strain of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria. 2002
915 Melatonin reduces oxidative damage and increases survival of mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni 2002
916 Effect of some ecological factors and heavy metals on the common terrestrial isopod Porcellionides pruniosus (Oniscoidea:Porcellionidae) in Assiut, Egypt 2002
917 Insect hemolymph clotting: evidence for interaction between the coagulation system and the prophenoloxidase activating cascade. 2002
918 Possible involvement of ecdysteroids in embryonic diapause of Locusta migratoria. 2002
919 Antennal sensilla of some culicine mosquito larvae 2002
920 Sexual dimorphism of morphometrics of Barbus bynni (Forskal, 1775) from the Nile at Assiut, Egypt. 2002