Ph. D. In Zoology () , Science Assuit , 1994
M. Sc. In Zoology () , Science Assuit , 1991
B. Sc. In Zoology () , Science Assuit , 1986
Professor Faculty of Science, Assiut University , 2012
Associate Professor Faculty of Science, Assiut University , 2001
Lecturer Faculty of Science, Assiut University , 1994
Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science, Assiut University , 1991
Demonstrator Faculty of Science, Assiut University , 1986
1- Ahmed Said Sayed Osmam, Assessment of the potential effects of retinoic acid and sildenafil of pregnant mice and their offspring. 2018, Al-Azhar University.
2- Doaa Soliman, Impact of photostimulation on chicken's embryos performance and development during incubation period. 2019, Alexandria University.
3- Dina Anwar Abdel Raoof, Congenital anomalies induced by aflatoxin b1 during chick embryo development. 2022, Assiut University.
4- Heba Sayed Abol Qasem, Impact of co-treatment with retinoic acid on rescuing citral induce teratogenicity during chick embryo development. 2021, Assiut University.
5- Alaa M. H. Abo Ali, Morphological developmental studies on the caeca during pre and post hatching periods of the Japanese quail Coturnix coturnix japonica. 2019, Assiut University.
6- Dalia Elzahraa Farouk Mohamed Ahmed Mostafa ,Effect of citral and its interactions with Nigella sativa as antioxidant on the development of chick embryo. 2018, Assiut University. supervisor: Reda Abd el-rahman Ali, Hanem Saad Abdel Tawab.
7- Fatma M. M. Al-Shawesh, Effect of ultraviolet irradiation on the embryonic development of the chick. 2015, Misurata University, Libya.
8- Ibrahim M. Omar, Teratogenic effects of the insecticide dimethoate on the embryonic development of the rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus. 2012, Misurata University, Libya.
9- Dalia Elzahraa Farouk Mohamed Ahmed Mostafa , Effect of Retinoic Acid on the Development of Chick Embryo ,2006-09-24
supervisor: Reda Abd el-rahman Ali, Ekbal Tadros Wassif
10- Hamida H. M. Ismail, Effect of hormones on regeneration of the hind limbs of Bufo regularis Reuss. 2004, Cairo University.