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# Title Department Research Year
12221 Hepato-morpholoy and biochemical studies on the liver of albino rats after exposure to glyphosate-Roundup® Zoology & Entomology Department
12222 Hydrogeochemical Evolution of Groundwater Aquifers In The Area East of Assiut , Nile Basin, Egypt. Department of Geology
12223 Photo-induced optical changes in amorphous GaS thin films. Department of physics
12224 Quantifying the non-classical correlation of a two-atom system nonlinearly interacting with a coherent cavity: local quantum Fisher information and Bures distance entanglement Department of Mathematics
12225 A study on timelike sweeping surfaces and singularities in Minkowski 3-Space {E} _ {1}^{3} Department of Mathematics
12226 Epigenetic alterations of miR-155 and global DNA methylation as potential mediators of ochratoxin A cytotoxicity and carcinogenicity in human lung fibroblasts Zoology & Entomology Department
12227 Nonclassical correlations in two-qubit Ising model with an arbitrary magnetic field: Local quantum Fisher information and local quantum uncertainty Department of Mathematics
12228 The synergetic effects of 4-nonylphenol and polyethylene microplastics in Cyprinus carpio juveniles using blood biomarkers Zoology & Entomology Department
12229 Dynamics of entanglement and population inversion of two qubits in a hybrid nonlinear system Department of Mathematics
12230 Phyto-remedial of excessive copper and evaluation of its impact on the metabolic activity of Zea mays Botany and Microbiology Department