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# Title Department Research Year
12301 The fatigue of Copper-Chromium alloy Department of physics 1980
12302 The Influence of Impurities on Growth and Properties of Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals. Department of physics 1980
12303 Ce (III), Th (IV), and U (VI) Complexes with some p-Benzoquinone
Department of chemistry 1980
12304 “ Geological and paleontological studies on the Mesohellenic Basin, Northern Greece: Oligocene smaller Foraminifera, “ Department of Geology 1980
12305 Inhipition der korrosion von Zinn und Cadmium H2 So4 Losungen durch verschiedene Organische Sulfone, Sulfoxide und Sulfide
Department of chemistry 1980
12306 Family 162. Globulariaceae, In El Hadidi, M.N. (Ed.),‎Flora of Egypt Botany and Microbiology Department 1980
12307 The Influence of Impurities on Growth and Properties of Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals Department of physics 1980
12308 Effec t of Saline Irrigation and GihhereHic
Acid on Osmotic Pressure, Photosynthetic
Pigments, and Carbohydrate Content of Carrot
and Sugar Beet, Plants.
Botany and Microbiology Department 1980
12309 Mannich bases of 2-aminothiazoles Department of chemistry 1980
12310 The Influence of Impurities on Growth and Properties of Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals. Department of physics 1980