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# Title Department Research Year
12571 Effect of carbon levels from three organic substrates on Egyptian soil fungi Botany and Microbiology Department 1981
12572 Molecular Rearrangements. I. Pyrolysis of Dibenzyl Sulphide Department of chemistry 1981
12573 Electrical properties and photovoltaic measurements of InxSe1-xfilms Department of physics 1981
12574 Radiochem.,Effects of solvent on the Extraction of Co2+ by Salicylaldoxime (SADO) Department of chemistry 1981
12575 Studies on Egyption thermophilic soil fungi. I-Taxonomical and environmental studies Botany and Microbiology Department 1981
12576 A classification of line complexes immersed in quasihyperbolic space that is based on the mobility of a repare Department of Mathematics 1981
12577 Catalytic oxidation of ammonia. II. Low temperature oxidation on a Fe2O3-Cr2O3 catalyst. Influence of the amount of the catalyst. Analysis of the reaction products Department of chemistry 1981
12578 pH - Metric Investigation of Stepwise Formation Constants of
Dioxouranium(VI) , Th(IV) , Ce(III) , Sc(III) , Y(III) and La(III)
Chelates with Tetrahydroxy- p- Benzoquinone .
Department of chemistry 1980
12579 The Feiran-Solaf Gneiss Belt, S.W. of Sinai, Egypt Department of Geology 1980
12580 Effec t of Saline Irrigation and GihhereHic
Acid on Osmotic Pressure, Photosynthetic
Pigments, and Carbohydrate Content of Carrot
and Sugar Beet, Plants.
Botany and Microbiology Department 1980