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# Title Department Research Year
12301 pH - Metric Investigation of Stepwise Formation Constants of
Dioxouranium(VI) , Th(IV) , Ce(III) , Sc(III) , Y(III) and La(III)
Chelates with Tetrahydroxy- p- Benzoquinone .
Department of chemistry 1980
12302 Synthesis of Some Disperse Anthraquinone Dyes. Department of chemistry 1980
12303 Growth of High Optical Quality Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals for Electro-Optic and Non-Linear Applications. Department of physics 1980
12304 Growth of High Optical Quality Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals for Electro-Optic and Non-Linear Applications Department of physics 1980
12305 Nuclear Heptylation of Benzene and Naphthalene & Cyclopentylation of Toluene Department of chemistry 1980
12306 The Feiran-Solaf Gneiss Belt, S.W. of Sinai, Egypt Department of Geology 1980
12307 A class of complexes of lines in an elliptic space S3 Department of Mathematics 1980
12308 Effec t of Saline Irrigation and GihhereHic
Acid on Osmotic Pressure, Photosynthetic
Pigments, and Carbohydrate Content of Carrot
and Sugar Beet, Plants.
Botany and Microbiology Department 1980
12309 Fragmintation of Naphthoxazoles under electron impact Department of physics 1980
12310 Fragmentation Pattern of Amino-p-henzoqtiinones & Their Acetate Derivatives under Electron Impact.
Department of chemistry 1980