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# Title Department Research Year
12291 Craters of volcanic origin at the ground surface of Mars (Collapse calderas and volcanic pipes). Open Access Journal of Biogeneric Science and Research. ISSN 2692-1081.Vol 7 (2), 21 Jan. 2021: 107 p. DOI: 10.46718/JBGSR.2021.07.000165 Department of Geology
12292 Groundwater Management at West El-Minia Desert Area, Egypt Using Numerical Modeling Department of Geology
12293 A study on timelike sweeping surfaces and singularities in Minkowski 3-Space {E} _ {1}^{3} Department of Mathematics
12294 Hydrogeochemistry and Desalination of Saline Groundwaterin Wadi El-Assiuti, Upper Egypt Department of Geology
12295 Synchronization and desynchronization of chaotic models with integer, fractional and distributed orders and a color image encryption application Department of Mathematics
12296 Water Balance and quality of Qena Area , Nile Valley, upper Egypt, A new Approach. Department of Geology
12297 Hydrogeochemical Evolution of Groundwater Aquifers In The Area East of Assiut , Nile Basin, Egypt. Department of Geology
12298 Complex Rayleigh–van-der-Pol–Duffing Oscillators: Dynamics, Phase, Antiphase Synchronization, and Image Encryption Department of Mathematics
12299 Thiol, volatile and semi-volatile compounds alleviate the stress of zinc oxide Botany and Microbiology Department
12300 New Treatments of Groundwater Aquifers In Wadi ElMathula Area, Eastern Desert, Egypt Using Geophysical And Hydrogeological Methods. Department of Geology