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# Title Department Research Year
81 Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary in south Sinai, Egypt: Paleoenvironment and sequence stratigraphy implications Department of Geology 2023
82 Dye encapsulation and one-pot synthesis of microporous–mesoporous zeolitic imidazolate frameworks for CO2 sorption and adenosine triphosphate biosensing Department of chemistry 2023
83 Predator efficacy and attraction to herbivore-induced volatiles determine insect pest selection of inferior host plant Zoology & Entomology Department 2023
84 Distribution of Natural Radionuclides and their Radiological Risks on Agricultural Soil Samples collected from Yemen. Department of physics 2023
85 Chronic effects induced by zinc oxide nanoparticles against larvae of the northern house mosquito Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) Zoology & Entomology Department 2023
86 Origin of Amphibole-Biotite-Fluorite-Rich Enclaves from Gabal El-Ineigi Fluorite-Bearing Granite, Central Eastern Desert of Egypt: Insights into Fluoride–Calcium and Silicate … Department of Geology 2023
87 Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)-derived ZrOSO4@C for photocatalytic synthesis of benzimidazole derivatives Department of chemistry 2023
88 Investigation of groundwater potential using gravity data in Wadi Fatimah and its surroundings, Western Saudi Arabia Department of Geology 2023
89 Kinetics and TD-DFT calculations of base-catalyzed oxidation of acriflavine hydrochloride: Removal of dyes colors from wastewater Department of chemistry 2023
90 Hormesis effects of phenol on growth and cellular metabolites of Chlorella sp. under different nutritional conditions using response surface methodology Botany and Microbiology Department 2023