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# Title Department Research Year
12291 Geomorphology and morphometric Studied of the Area Between Gebel Ataga and Al Galala Al Baharyia and its applications in the Flash Flood Mitigation using Remote Sensing and GIS technique Department of Geology
12292 Impact of Land Reclamination of The Nile Valley Fringes on The Quality of Water and Soil, Egypt Department of Geology
12293 The Study of Groundwater Resources Along The Plain of The River Nile ( From Aswan To Assiut ) Using Geoelectrical Resistivity Methods. Department of Geology
12294 Antioxidant capacity and DNA damage in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) exposed to Ethidium bromide: A protective role for Spirulina Platensis Zoology & Entomology Department
12295 Dynamics of trace distance and Bures correlations in a three-qubit XY chain: Intrinsic noise model Department of Mathematics
12296 Nonclassical effects in a nonlinear two trapped-particles system under intrinsic decoherence Department of Mathematics
12297 Subsurface structural features of the basement complex and mineralization zone investigation in the Barramiya area, Eastern Desert of Egypt, using magnetic and gravity data analysis Department of Geology
12298 Exposure to pyrogallol impacts the hemato-biochemical endpoints in catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Zoology & Entomology Department
12299 Intrinsic decoherence effect on quantum coherence dynamics of a qutrit interacting resonantly with a coherent cavity field Department of Mathematics
12300 Dynamics of two coupled qubits in a two-mode cavity through four-photon processes: Nonclassical properties under intrinsic decoherence Department of Mathematics