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# Title Department Research Year
10261 تدريس الفيزياء لطلاب كليات الهندسة Department of physics 1994
10262 A study on scaling symmetrical condenser- objective lenses Department of physics 1994
10263 Effect of spinel (ZnCr2O4) formation on the texture, electrical conduction and catalytic behavior of the ZnO-Cr2O3system. Department of chemistry 1994
10264 Effect of a bradyknin potentiating fraction from venom of the Egyptian cobra, Naja haje haeje on the lipid peroxidation of liver, kidney and testis of rats Zoology & Entomology Department 1994
10265 Water Soluble Ternary Complexes of Divalent Transilion Metal Ions with N-(2-Acetamido)imino diacetic Acid and Heterocyclic Diimines Department of chemistry 1994
10266 Surface and subsurface tectonic pattern of Sohag region, Middle Egypt. Bull.Fac.Sci., Assiut Univ., 23(1-F), 317-360. Department of Geology 1994
10267 Divalent Transition Metal Ion Ternary Complexes of N-(2-Acetamido)iminodiacetic Acid and some Bi-and Tricarboxylic Aliphatic Acids Department of chemistry 1994
10268 Structural and magnetic properties of Fe/Ag granular material
Department of physics 1994
10269 Analysis of pulseless positive corona from a coaxial cylinderical configuration with straight discharge wire in atmospheric air Department of physics 1994
10270 Cyanobacterial biofertilizer improve growth of wheat. Botany and Microbiology Department 1994