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# Title Department Research Year
10151 Characteristic high feild dependence of magnetoresistance in Fe/Ag granular thin films fabricated by sbuttering and annealing .
Department of physics 1994
Enhancement of faba bean nodulation, nitrogen fixation
and growth by different microorganisms
Botany and Microbiology Department 1994
10153 Isolation of cellulose decomposing fungi from damaged manuscripts and documents Botany and Microbiology Department 1994
10154 Study the mobility of implanted atoms in films of hcp metals Department of physics 1994
10155 Carbonaceous bodies of debatable organic provenance in the Banded Iron Formation of the Wadi Kareim area, Eastern Desert, Egypt Department of Geology 1994
10156 Histochemical studies on regeneration of hind limbs in a climactic metamorphic stage (57) of the Egyptian toad, Bufo regularis Reuss under the combined effect of both electrical stimulation and Sodium chloride solution Zoology & Entomology Department 1994
10157 Nanocrystalline B2 type Ru40Al60 and Ru poweders produced by mechanical alloying and leaching Department of physics 1994
10158 Divalent Transition Metal Ion Ternary Complexes of N-(2-Acetamido)iminodiacetic Acid and some Bi-and Tricarboxylic Aliphatic Acids Department of chemistry 1994
10159 Aquatic phycomycetes from Egyptian soil (Delta region). Botany and Microbiology Department 1994
10160 Fuzzy Uniform structures and order Department of Mathematics 1994