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# Title Department Research Year
12501 Non-Newtonian Laminar Free Convection over Two-Dimensional Bodies with Uniform Surface Heat Flux, BULL.,FAC.,SCI., ASSIUT UNIV., PP 77-85, (1982). Department of Mathematics 1982
12502 Fungi of wheat and broad-bean straw composts. I- Mesophilic fungi Botany and Microbiology Department 1982
12503 Contribution to the geology of the area northwest of Assiut, Egypt Department of Geology 1982
12504 Description of Barbronia
assiuti n. sp. (Hirudinea) from Assiut, Egypt
Zoology & Entomology Department 1982
12505 Classification of line complexes in the flag space . Department of Mathematics 1982
changes of thyroid gland activity during pregnancy and after parturition of fat -tailed ewes.
Zoology & Entomology Department 1982
12507 A Contribution to the Study of the Growth Mechanism and Electric Conduction of Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals Department of physics 1982
12508 Vegetation of inland desert wadies in Egypt
11. Wadi EI-Matuli and Wadi EI-Qarn
Botany and Microbiology Department 1982
12509 Coordination Compounds of Heterocyclic Azo-Derivatives. I. Synthesis and Characterization of Bivalent Metal Chelates with some Imidazole Azo Dyes
Department of chemistry 1982
12510 Description of Barbronia assiuti n. sp. (Hirudinea) from Assiut, Egypt.

Zoology & Entomology Department 1982