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# Title Department Research Year
13031 Histological abnormalities in the alimentary canal and Malpighian tubules of Culex sp. mosquitoes larvae treated with zinc oxide nanoparticles Zoology & Entomology Department
13032 Photocatalytic hydrogen generation via water splitting using ZIF-67 derived Co3O4@C/TiO2 Department of chemistry
13033 Intrinsic decoherence effect on quantum coherence dynamics of a qutrit interacting resonantly with a coherent cavity field Department of Mathematics
13034 Dynamics of two coupled qubits in a two-mode cavity through four-photon processes: Nonclassical properties under intrinsic decoherence Department of Mathematics
13035 Toxicity of co-exposure of microplastics and lead in African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Zoology & Entomology Department
13036 Synchronization and desynchronization of chaotic models with integer, fractional and distributed orders and a color image encryption application Department of Mathematics
13037 Oxidative Stress and Immunopathological Alterations of Clarias gariepinus Exposed to Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (BTX) Zoology & Entomology Department
13038 A conceptual and numerical model for groundwater management in the desert area west of El-Minia governorate, Egypt Department of Geology
13039 Historical change of groundwater levels and its consequences on the archaeological sites at Luxor, Egypt. Department of Geology
13040 The freshwater water flea Daphnia magna NIES strain genome as a resource for CRISPR/Cas9 gene targeting: The glutathione S-transferase omega 2 gene Zoology & Entomology Department