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# Title Department Research Year
12471 Synthesis of Some New Oxazoloquinolines and Stibyloxazoloquinolines Department of chemistry 1982
12472 Vegetation of inland desert wadies in Egypt
11. Wadi EI-Matuli and Wadi EI-Qarn
Botany and Microbiology Department 1982
12473 A Contribution to the Study of the Growth Mechanism and Electric Conduction of Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals Department of physics 1982
12474 Line complexes immersed in a projective space with ruled absolute. Department of Mathematics 1982
12475 Acidity Constants of some Azoimidazole Derivatives in Water-Rich
Aqueous Organic Solvents.
Department of chemistry 1982
12476 Remarks on the structural history of the area northwest of the Kharaga Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt Department of Geology 1982
12477 Surface texture of the mixed Al-Co oxide spinel phase Department of chemistry 1982
12478 Synthesis of Some New Aryl and Alkarylmercaptobenzoxazoles, Benzimidazoles and benzthiazoles of Biological Interest
Department of chemistry 1982
12479 Themal diffusivity and specific heat of commercial aluminum and aluminum copper alloys from 400 to 850 K Department of physics 1982
12480 Remarks on the structural history of the area northwest of the Kharaga Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt. Department of Geology 1982