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# Title Department Research Year
10691 Synthesis and Characterization of Co (II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Cd(II) Ternary Complexes with Thiosalicylic and Amino Acids Department of chemistry 1991
10692 Pseudo Isotropic stratification of line manifolds. Department of Mathematics 1991
10693 Vegetation of inland desert wadis in Egypt Botany and Microbiology Department 1991
10694 Kinetics of Heterogeneous and/or Homogeneous Catalytic Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide by Some Metal Vanadates and Their Primary Oxide Mixtures Department of chemistry 1991
10695 Synthesis of Some Thiazolo[3,2-a]Pyrimidines Department of chemistry 1991
10696 Mycotoxin production on different cultivars and lines of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) seeds in Egypt.
Botany and Microbiology Department 1991
10697 Quantum Mechanical Properties of a Thin Cylinder I density of Electronic States Department of Mathematics 1991
10698 Thermotolerant and Thermophilic Bacillus species in mud of Ibrahimia canal ,Egypt and factors affecting spore germination of Bacillus sterothermophilus Ass Botany and Microbiology Department 1991
10699 Geology of Jabal Al-Balaq area, Maarib, Yemen Republic. Department of Geology 1991
10700 Characterization of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) Complexes with
Salicylic acid Azo Dyes
Department of chemistry 1991