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# Title Department Research Year
12331 Craters of volcanic origin at the ground surface of Mars (Collapse calderas and volcanic pipes). Open Access Journal of Biogeneric Science and Research. ISSN 2692-1081.Vol 7 (2), 21 Jan. 2021: 107 p. DOI: 10.46718/JBGSR.2021.07.000165 Department of Geology
12332 DNA Barcoding for Scorpion Species from New Valley Governorate in Egypt Reveals Different Degrees of Cryptic Speciation and Species Misnaming Zoology & Entomology Department
12333 Wigner Function Non-Classicality Induced in a Charge Qubit Interacting with a Dissipative Field Cavity Department of Mathematics
12334 Susceptibility of the different stages of the medfly Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae) to the extracts of Viola odorata and Eucalyptus camaldeulensis. Zoology & Entomology Department
12335 Quantum Fisher Information and Bures Distance Correlations of Coupled Two Charge-Qubits Inside a Coherent Cavity with the Intrinsic Decoherence Department of Mathematics
12336 Seasonal and Temporal Influence on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Red Sea Coastal Water, Egypt Department of chemistry
12337 Haemato-biochemical, mutagenic, and histopathological changes in Oreochromis niloticus exposed to BTX Zoology & Entomology Department
12338 Integration of Remote Sensing & GIS to Manage the Sustainable Development in the Nile Valley Desert Fringes of AssiutSohag Governorates, Upper Egypt Department of Geology
12339 On the determination of ruled and developable surfaces in Euclidean 3-space Department of Mathematics
12340 Numerical Modeling for the Nubian Aquifer Development in Wadi Qena, Eastern Desert, Egypt Department of Geology