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# Title Department Research Year
10681 Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of DL-α-Alanine by Permanganate Ion in Acid Perchlorate Media. Department of chemistry 1991
10682 Influence of metal oxide additives on the kinetics of isothermal decomposition of ammonium metavanadate Department of chemistry 1991
10683 Migration and immobilization of hydrogen and helium in gold and tungsten at low temperatures Department of physics 1991
10684 Gamma Irradiation Effects on the electrical Conductivity Behaviour, IR Absorption Spectra and DSC Measurements of Some New Synthesized poly(Arylidene-Cycloalkanones Department of chemistry 1991
10685 Studies on certain meristic characters of three Synodontis species from the Nile at Egypt. Zoology & Entomology Department 1991
10686 Electronic Spectra, Acidity Constants, and Solvatochromic Behaviour of some Azoimidazole Derivatives Department of chemistry 1991
10687 On the class of Entire functions defined by Dirichlet series of several complex variables. Department of Mathematics 1991
10688 The effect of Ca2+ and pH stress on growth, membrane stability and other metabolic activities of Chlorella fusca. Botany and Microbiology Department 1991
10689 Fungi inhabiting some aquatic macro invertebrates of the Nile at Egypt. Botany and Microbiology Department 1991
10690 Thermotolerant and Thermophilic Bacillus species in mud of Ibrahimia canal ,Egypt and factors affecting spore germination of Bacillus sterothermophilus Ass Botany and Microbiology Department 1991