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# Title Department Research Year
10501 Magnetoresistance in Fe/Ag granular material produced by ion-cluster-beam method Department of physics 1993
10502 Pairs of ruled manifolds immersed in a space form. Department of Mathematics 1993
10503 Arylidene Polymers XVIII. Synthesis and Characterization of New Unsaturated Polyesters Containing Ferrocene Moiety in the Main Chain. Department of chemistry 1993
10504 Formation of nominal Ni amorphous phase by mechanical milling and leaching
Department of physics 1993
10505 Survey of mycoflora and mycotoxins of some dried fruits in Egypt

Botany and Microbiology Department 1993
10506 Potentiometric studies on the mixed-ligand complexes of the tranquilizer Drug-promethazine with divalent transition metals and some amino acids. Department of chemistry 1993
10507 Acidity Constants of some Hydroxy-Azopyrazolopyridines in Mixed Aqueous-Organic Solvents. Department of chemistry 1993
10508 Spectrophotometric Study of Acid-Base
Equilibria of 4-(2-Benzothiazolylazo)resorcinol
and 4-(2-Benzothiazolylazo)salicylic Acid in
Water-Organic Solvent Media
Department of chemistry 1993
10509 Arylidene Polymers XIX. Synthesis and Properties of Aromatic Polyphosphate from Diarylidenecyclo-alkanones. Department of chemistry 1993
10510 Electrophoretic study on blood serum, eye lens and muscle proteins of Bagrus bayad (Forskal,1775) and Bagrus docmac (Forskal, 1775) (Teleostei, Bagridae) from the Nile at Assiut, Egypt. Zoology & Entomology Department 1993