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# Title Department Research Year
2251 Enhancing the Generated Stable Correlation in a Dissipative System of Two Coupled Qubits inside a Coherent Cavity via Their Dipole-Dipole Interplay Department of Mathematics 2019
2252 Characterization and Identification of Cellulose-degrading Bacteria Isolated from a Microbial Fuel Cell Reactor Botany and Microbiology Department 2019
2253 Oligosaccharides production by Leuconostoc holzaapfelii strain S7 using sugar cane molasses as fermentation medium. Botany and Microbiology Department 2019
2254 Mechanical and electrochemical characteristics of solutionized AA 6061, AA6013 and AA 5086 aluminum alloys Department of physics 2019
2255 Some relations on Ultraspherical matrix polynomials Department of Mathematics 2019
2256 Efficacy of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and endophytic strain Epicoccum nigrum ASU11 as biocontrol agents against blackleg disease of potato caused by bacterial strain Pectobacterium carotovora subsp. atrosepticum PHY7 Botany and Microbiology Department 2019
2257 Diversity, virulence factors, and antifungal susceptibility patterns of pathogenic and opportunistic yeast species in rock pigeon (Columba livia) fecal droppings in western Saudi Arabia.

Botany and Microbiology Department 2019
2258 Structural and Optical Constants of Annealed As47:5Se47:5Ag5 Film using DSC Transformation Curve Department of physics 2019
2259 Generalized fuzzy soft semi open sets in generalized fuzzy soft topological spaces Department of Mathematics 2019
2260 3D light-sheet assay assessing novel valproate-associated cardiotoxicity and folic acid relief in zebrafish embryogenesis Zoology & Entomology Department 2019