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# Title Department Research Year
9331 Hassan, M.A. (1999): Deformation mechanisms of mylonites and cataclased granite of Gabal Nugrus gneissose granite, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt. Proceeding of First International Conference on the Geology of Africa. Assiut Univ. Egypt. 2:159-175. Department of Geology 1998
9332 Characterization of (As.Te)1-xSex thin films Department of physics 1998
9333 Calcareous nannofossils, foraminifera and stable isotope studies from P/E boundary sections in Egypt Department of Geology 1998
9334 Thermal Radiation Effects on Boundary Layer Flow on a Continuous Porous Flat Surface. Department of Mathematics 1998
9335 Computer Simulation and Experimental Investigation of the Spinodal Decomposition in the  Ti-Cr Binary alloy System
Department of physics 1998
9336 Effects of air-root temperature gradients and vapor pressure deficit of air on water balance in soybean (Gglycine max L.) Botany and Microbiology Department 1998
9337 Responses of Chlorella fusca to products released by two zoosporic fungi. Botany and Microbiology Department 1998
9338 Differential pulse polarographic analysis of chloropyrifos insecticide Department of chemistry 1998
9339 Osmo-metabolic adjustments in developing roots of three species under different water potentials, temperatures and boron amendments Botany and Microbiology Department 1998
9340 Some fixed point theorems in a Banach space for weakly compatible mappings Department of Mathematics 1998