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# Title Department Research Year
10721 Synthesis of some pyrazolopyridine sulphonamide derivatives Department of chemistry 1991
10722 On asymptotic stability of certain system of fifth-order differential equations, Colloquium on Differential Equations and Applications, August 21 - 24 , 1991, Budapest-Hungary ; Ann. of Diff. Eqs. , 8(4) , 391 - 400 (1992). Department of Mathematics 1991
10723 Influence of metal oxide additives on the kinetics of isothermal decomposition of ammonium metavanadate Department of chemistry 1991
10724 solitary waves and Backlund transitional of a class nonlinear dispersive dissiptive differential equations Department of Mathematics 1991
10725 Remarks on the geologic setting and internal structure of the Al-Haradah travertine cone, Damt, Yemen Republic , Department of Geology 1991
10726 Gamma Irradiation Effects on the electrical Conductivity Behaviour, IR Absorption Spectra and DSC Measurements of Some New Synthesized poly(Arylidene-Cycloalkanones Department of chemistry 1991
10727 Morphological studies on the cyclopoid copepod Microcyclops varicans (G. O. Sars, 1963) collected from Assiut, Egypt. Zoology & Entomology Department 1991
10728 Geoelectrical studies on Nazlet El-Kadi area, west of Tahta Town, Sohag, Egypt. Department of Geology 1991
10729 Dynamic softening spinodal Cu-9Ni-6Sn alloy during hot working Department of physics 1991
10730 Redesceription of the cyclopoid copod mesocyclops ogunnus onabamiro (1957) collected from Assiut, Egypt. Zoology & Entomology Department 1991