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# Title Department Research Year
12291 Oxidative Stress and Immunopathological Alterations of Clarias gariepinus Exposed to Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (BTX) Zoology & Entomology Department
12292 Impact of Aswan High Dame on the Nile Water Quality, Egypt Department of Geology
12293 Dynamics of trace distance and Bures correlations in a three-qubit XY chain: Intrinsic noise model Department of Mathematics
12294 Nonclassical effects in a nonlinear two trapped-particles system under intrinsic decoherence Department of Mathematics
12295 Intrinsic decoherence effect on quantum coherence dynamics of a qutrit interacting resonantly with a coherent cavity field Department of Mathematics
12296 Histological abnormalities in the alimentary canal and Malpighian tubules of Culex sp. mosquitoes larvae treated with zinc oxide nanoparticles Zoology & Entomology Department
12297 Urbanization, agriculture and degradation of groundwater quality: Case study of Nile Valley, Luxor, Egypt. Department of Geology
12298 Dynamics of two coupled qubits in a two-mode cavity through four-photon processes: Nonclassical properties under intrinsic decoherence Department of Mathematics
12299 Hydrogeological and Hydrogeochemical Assessment of Groundwater Resources in the Area Between El-Quseir and Safaga, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Department of Geology
12300 Hydrogeochemistry And Environmental Isotope Investigation of The Nile Basin Water From Sohag District, Upper Egypt. Department of Geology