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# Title Department Research Year
10241 Analysis of pulseless positive corona from a coaxial cylinderical configuration with straight discharge wire in atomspheric air.
Department of physics 1994
10242 Effect of electrical stimulation on regeneration of hind limbs in stages of the Egyptian toad, Bufo regularis Reuss after transection at the shank level Zoology & Entomology Department 1994
10243 Biochemical and physiological behaviours of Aspergillus flavus and A. oryzae isolated from Spodoptera littoralis. Botany and Microbiology Department 1994
10244 Excitation of ion-acoustic waves by parametric heating and strong - high frequency fields in a plasma.
Department of physics 1994
10245 Geology and Geochemistry of the Atud and Um Rus Gabbros, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Department of Geology 1994
10246 A holomorphic two-form on an immersion in a space form. Department of Mathematics 1994
10247 Changes in mycoflora of corn grains and sunflower seeds after treatment with the insecticide actellic Botany and Microbiology Department 1994
10248 The polarographic behavior of Ketoprofen and Assay of its Capsules using spectrophotometric and voltammetric Methods. Department of chemistry 1994
10249 Thc Effect of Thermal Recycling on Metastable Structure of Potassium Ferrocyanide Single Crystals Department of physics 1994
10250 Effect of soil treatment with the organophosphorus insecticide profenfos on fungal flora and some microbial activities Botany and Microbiology Department 1994