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# Title Department Research Year
2741 Use of seaweed and filamentous fungus derived polysaccharides in the
development of alginate-chitosan edible films containing fucoidan:
Study of moisture sorption, polyphenol release and antioxidant
Botany and Microbiology Department 2018
2742 Nitric oxide-mediated drought stress tolerance via improvement crop yield, antioxidants, membrane integrity and reducing the oxidative stress of two faba bean cultivars Botany and Microbiology Department 2018
2743 "Inextensible Flows of Spacelike Curves in De-Sitter Space " Department of Mathematics 2018
2744 Camel whey protein enhances lymphocyte survival by modulating
the expression of survivin, bim/bax, and cytochrome C and
restores heat stress-mediated pathological alteration in lymphoid
Zoology & Entomology Department 2018
2745 A conceptual phosphogenesis model for the Red Sea phosphorites,
Quseir area, Egypt
Department of Geology 2018
2746 Results on generalized fuzzy soft topological spaces Department of Mathematics 2018
2747 Self-cleaned photoluminescent viscose fabric incorporated lanthanide-organic framework (Ln-MOF) Department of chemistry 2018
2748 A family of new q-Extensions of the Humbert functions Department of Mathematics 2018
2749 Design, synthesis, anticorrosion efficiency, and applications of novel Gemini surfactants for preparation of small-sized hollow spheres mesoporous silica Nanoparticles Department of chemistry 2018
2750 Vegetation Dynamics and Species Diversity in a Saharan Oasis, Egypt. Botany and Microbiology Department 2018