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# Title Department Research Year
10721 Seasonal variations in populations of Cladocera (crustacea) of the River Nile at Assiut, Egypt. Zoology & Entomology Department 1990
10722 Some physiological studies on fungi isolated from poultry feedstuffs. Botany and Microbiology Department 1990
10723 The post-Panafrican sedimentary succession of Wadi Qena Department of Geology 1990
10724 Lower Eocene carbonate facies, environments and sedimentary cycles, evidence for global sea-level changes Department of Geology 1990
10725 Unsteady magnetohydrodynamic flow through a porous medium between two infinite parallel plattes Department of Mathematics 1990
10726 Phytosociological study on the deltaic part and the principal channel
of Wadi Qena, Egypt
Botany and Microbiology Department 1990
10727 Effect of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T on some metabolic activities in some economic plants. Botany and Microbiology Department 1990
10728 Vegetation of inland desert wadis in Egypt
X. The wadi system North of Hurghada
Botany and Microbiology Department 1990
10729 Decompositions of fuzzy continuity Department of Mathematics 1990
10730 Seasonal variations in the ovary of the viviparous lizard Chalcides ocellatus (Forsk) I- Corpora atretica and Corpora lutea. Zoology & Entomology Department 1990