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# Title Department Research Year
12291 Hydrogeochemistry And Environmental Isotope Investigation of The Nile Basin Water From Sohag District, Upper Egypt. Department of Geology
12292 Phyto-remedial of excessive copper and evaluation of its impact on the metabolic activity of Zea mays Botany and Microbiology Department
12293 Human's Influence on The Discharge of Nile Water, Dissolved And Suspended Materials To The Mediterranean Sea Department of Geology
12294 Impact of Aswan High Dame on the Nile Water Quality, Egypt Department of Geology
12295 Early Pliocene foraminifera from Latakia region, Syria, Proc. of the 6th Arab Sci. Congr., Damascus, 1969, 4(B), pp. 719-728. Department of Geology
12296 Craters of volcanic origin at the ground surface of Mars (Collapse calderas and volcanic pipes). Open Access Journal of Biogeneric Science and Research. ISSN 2692-1081.Vol 7 (2), 21 Jan. 2021: 107 p. DOI: 10.46718/JBGSR.2021.07.000165 Department of Geology
12297 Quantifying the non-classical correlation of a two-atom system nonlinearly interacting with a coherent cavity: local quantum Fisher information and Bures distance entanglement Department of Mathematics
12298 Groundwater Management at West El-Minia Desert Area, Egypt Using Numerical Modeling Department of Geology
12299 Stripping voltammetric determination of Epinephrine applying sulfacetamide modified glassy carbon electrode Department of chemistry
12300 Nonclassical correlations in two-qubit Ising model with an arbitrary magnetic field: Local quantum Fisher information and local quantum uncertainty Department of Mathematics