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# Title Department Research Year
12281 Haemato-biochemical, mutagenic, and histopathological changes in Oreochromis niloticus exposed to BTX Zoology & Entomology Department
12282 Kinematic geometry of hyperbolic dual spherical motions and Euler–Savary’s equation Department of Mathematics
12283 Yeast and enzymatic hydrolysis in converting Chlorella biomass into hydrogen gas by Rhodobacter sp. and Rhodopseudomonas palustris Botany and Microbiology Department
12284 Development of machine-learning-based models for identifying the sources of nitrate and fluoride in groundwater and predicting their human health risks Department of Geology
12285 Stripping voltammetric determination of Epinephrine applying sulfacetamide modified glassy carbon electrode Department of chemistry
12286 Early Pliocene foraminifera from Latakia region, Syria, Proc. of the 6th Arab Sci. Congr., Damascus, 1969, 4(B), pp. 719-728. Department of Geology
12287 Investigation of the impact caused by different sizes of polyethyleneplastics (nano, micro, and macro) in common carp juveniles,CyprinuscarpioL., using multi-biomarkers Zoology & Entomology Department
12288 Optical tomography dynamic for time-dependent coherent states generated by an open qubit-cavity system Department of Mathematics
12289 Thiol, volatile and semi-volatile compounds Botany and Microbiology Department
12290 Runoff Water Harvesting Optimization by Using RS, GIS and Watershed Modelling in Wadi El-Arish, Sinai Department of Geology