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# Title Department Research Year
12281 Assessment and Evaluation of Water Resources using remote sensing and GIS Techniques in Egypt Department of Geology
12282 Yeast and enzymatic hydrolysis in converting Chlorella biomass into hydrogen gas by Rhodobacter sp. and Rhodopseudomonas palustris Botany and Microbiology Department
12283 Geoelectrical And Hydrogeological Studies on The Sediments of The Main Trunck of Wadi El-Mathula Basin, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Department of Geology
12284 Hydrogeological Remarks on Abu Shih Area, Southern Assiut, Egypt. Department of Geology
12285 Sweeping surfaces with Natural mate curve of a spatial curve in Euclidean 3-Space Department of Mathematics
12286 Numerical Modeling for the Nubian Aquifer Development in Wadi Qena, Eastern Desert, Egypt Department of Geology
12287 Nonlinear optical tomography of q-deformed entangled pair coherent states Department of Mathematics
12288 Non-classicality in an open two-mode parametric amplifier cavity containing aΛ-qutrit system Department of Mathematics
12289 Arylidene polymers: 15. Optical band gap and structural relationship of new polyester films of dibenzylidenecyclohexanone. Department of physics
12290 Dynamics of nonclassical properties of a SU(3) system interacting with two open parametric amplifier modes Department of Mathematics